Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Final Part 1

     It was just another regular day in Los Angeles where I currently reside. It seemed like a nearly perfect day in March of 2012. For me the day was going pretty routine but things took a turn for the worst. I woke up with messed up hair and teeth that needed to be brushed. So, I got out of the bed brushed my hair and my teeth and sat down for a little bit to watch television. After watching television for about fifteen minutes I started to get dressed. After I'm done getting dressed my mom takes me to school and I am still tired so I fall asleep in the car.
     When I get to school it still seems like it's going to be a regular routine day. The school day goes by and my mom picks me up after school. She takes me home and tells me to do my homework and by the time I finish my mom is back from the gym. I go to sit in the living room and watch television while she takes a shower. She gets out of the shower and comes in the living room. When she sees that I am halfway asleep she gently slides the remote away from my hand.
     She changes the channel to the news and it is so loud that I awake from my sleep. We see that the story is a man robbed a bank in Los Angeles and he is driving down streets throwing money on people's porches. The news anchor informed people not to accept the money that was being thrown because it was stolen. As we are watching the police chase we notice that the man is getting really close to where we live. When I see the man is close I go to the front window and I just look outside. After waiting for about fifteen minutes I am just about ready to call it a quits and head to my bed. Then, all of a sudden I hear an infinite amount of sirens passing by my house and hundreds of dollars fall on my porch. I wait for all the police cars to pass by and then I look at my mom.
     When I look at her she already knows what I want to do. But, I see the look on her face and I change my mind. My mom goes out side and brings the money inside. It's the most money I have ever seen in my life and I look at it in awe. She calls the police and tells them that she has some of the stolen money and the police tell her they are on their way to retrieve the money. When the police come I just got very sad and went to bed, I was so disappointed in my mom that day that I didn't talk to her for a couple days. But, eventually I got over it and started speaking to her once again.

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