Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Descriptive Essay
     During winter break I mostly slept and played video games. It was the best time of my life. The first day I slept and watched T.V. But, I also had drivers training that day. During drivers training I drove for two hours to practice for my driving test. I was so sleepy but I still had to drive, it felt like I was driving forever. I continued that routine every day all the way through Monday.
     On Christmas day I woke up at seven in the morning and tried to wake up my mom but she was too lazy to get up. I got sad and went back to sleep. I woke up at ten in the morning and I finally got my mom to get up too. I went to open my gifts and when I only saw a card under the tree I got sad but then I opened it and saw I got a debit card and some money. The next day I used some of my money to buy a new phone. The next day I went to go take my driving test. I was so nervous and I had butterflies in my stomach but in the end I did good. I only got six things wrong when the most you could get wrong was fifteen. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. That same day I drove all the way to Lancaster to my dad's house. It was really far but I made it even though I was really tired.

     When I got to my dad's house I slept even more and also I played even more video games. But, I also had to take care of all my little cousins. They would come every morning to wake me up at six in the morning. Then I would make them breakfast. After that they would just run around everywhere and annoy me. Then I would take nice long naps in the afternoon. On New Years Eve my stepmom cooked a lot of good food. She made macaroni and cheese, turkey, ham, dressing, and cornbread. For dessert we had chocolate cake and ice cream. I ate so good that night that I fell asleep at eight and woke up at four in the morning. I missed New Years because that food was so good. I wasn't even mad because I had such good sleep. I woke up to so many texts and everyone was mad at me because they thought i was ignoring them. After that I went home and did nothing for the rest of break. 

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