Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nuclear Power Essay

     Our state believes we should support the building of this nuclear plant in our state. Some might think we shouldn't because of the events that happened at Chernobyl and Fukushima. But, the state believes those things happened accidentally. All we have to do is make sure we don't slip up and make sure we are being careful.
     Nuclear power will be good for our state because it has low pollution levels unlike the fossil fuels we use today. Also nuclear power is cost effective. The costs of nuclear power are relatively low compared to how much it costs for the energy we already use. Not only does it cost less but it also will give us an abundance of energy. But, the energy we use today is limited and costs more than nuclear power. We should convert to nuclear power because of these reasons.
     Although there are many up sides to nuclear power there are also some down sides to the energy. Some might argue that radioactive waste is a threat to the environment. This is true but there is a way to keep it from getting into the environment. We will make sure it stays in containers and we will constantly change the containers. Also we will make strict policy for our workers to wear their protective uniforms. We need to do this because radioactive waste is dangerous for humans. "".
     We should not put nuclear power plants in places that have a lot of earthquakes like the Pacific Ring of Fire. "Against Plans For Nuclear Power Plant". Nuclear power will work better than any other method because burning gas causes large amounts of pollution and wind and solar energy aren't reliable enough. "Nuclear a cost effective energy source".

     Therefore nuclear power is our best bet because it has the biggest up side and lowest risk. We will make a big profit and we will also help the environment by converting to nuclear power. We will be very careful with it because we know what nuclear power is capable of doing. That is why we should use nuclear power.

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