Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Final Part 1

     It was just another regular day in Los Angeles where I currently reside. It seemed like a nearly perfect day in March of 2012. For me the day was going pretty routine but things took a turn for the worst. I woke up with messed up hair and teeth that needed to be brushed. So, I got out of the bed brushed my hair and my teeth and sat down for a little bit to watch television. After watching television for about fifteen minutes I started to get dressed. After I'm done getting dressed my mom takes me to school and I am still tired so I fall asleep in the car.
     When I get to school it still seems like it's going to be a regular routine day. The school day goes by and my mom picks me up after school. She takes me home and tells me to do my homework and by the time I finish my mom is back from the gym. I go to sit in the living room and watch television while she takes a shower. She gets out of the shower and comes in the living room. When she sees that I am halfway asleep she gently slides the remote away from my hand.
     She changes the channel to the news and it is so loud that I awake from my sleep. We see that the story is a man robbed a bank in Los Angeles and he is driving down streets throwing money on people's porches. The news anchor informed people not to accept the money that was being thrown because it was stolen. As we are watching the police chase we notice that the man is getting really close to where we live. When I see the man is close I go to the front window and I just look outside. After waiting for about fifteen minutes I am just about ready to call it a quits and head to my bed. Then, all of a sudden I hear an infinite amount of sirens passing by my house and hundreds of dollars fall on my porch. I wait for all the police cars to pass by and then I look at my mom.
     When I look at her she already knows what I want to do. But, I see the look on her face and I change my mind. My mom goes out side and brings the money inside. It's the most money I have ever seen in my life and I look at it in awe. She calls the police and tells them that she has some of the stolen money and the police tell her they are on their way to retrieve the money. When the police come I just got very sad and went to bed, I was so disappointed in my mom that day that I didn't talk to her for a couple days. But, eventually I got over it and started speaking to her once again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca."La Relacion." 117

The Indians' hospitality, before and after a new calamity.
With more fish and roots, they thought themselves rich.
It was a struggle to dig.
We stripped and stowed our clothes in the craft.
But that only carried them more certainly underneath.
A single roll of the sea tossed the rest of the men into the rushing surf.
But the survivors escaped as naked as they were born.

Monday, March 16, 2015

"Mariota Has Heisman Numbers" by Chris Dufresne, pg. 2, LA Times

Barring something biblical, like a swarm of locusts halting the ceremony
will become the second player from the Pacific Northwest to win the Heisman Trophy.
It has been tougher landing a Heisman in these parts than it was for Lewis and Clark to reach the coast.
It took an over-the-top season by Mariota to make this week something resembling a victory lap.
His numbers were too outrageous to ignore.
This year, pundits tried to leave a window crack open for Wisconsin running back Melvin Gordon and Alabama receiver Amari Cooper.
The closest thing to scandal involving Mariota was the speeding ticket he was issued a few weeks ago.
If Mariota is putting on a nice-guy act, he also deserves an Academy award.

Framed Found Poem

The Indians' hospitality, before and after a new calamity.
With more fish and roots, they thought themselves rich.
It was a struggle to dig.
We stripped and stowed our clothes in the craft.
But that only carried them more certainly underneath.
A single roll of the sea, tossed the rest of the men into the rushing surf.
But the survivors escaped as naked as they were born.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nuclear Power Essay

     Our state believes we should support the building of this nuclear plant in our state. Some might think we shouldn't because of the events that happened at Chernobyl and Fukushima. But, the state believes those things happened accidentally. All we have to do is make sure we don't slip up and make sure we are being careful.
     Nuclear power will be good for our state because it has low pollution levels unlike the fossil fuels we use today. Also nuclear power is cost effective. The costs of nuclear power are relatively low compared to how much it costs for the energy we already use. Not only does it cost less but it also will give us an abundance of energy. But, the energy we use today is limited and costs more than nuclear power. We should convert to nuclear power because of these reasons.
     Although there are many up sides to nuclear power there are also some down sides to the energy. Some might argue that radioactive waste is a threat to the environment. This is true but there is a way to keep it from getting into the environment. We will make sure it stays in containers and we will constantly change the containers. Also we will make strict policy for our workers to wear their protective uniforms. We need to do this because radioactive waste is dangerous for humans. "".
     We should not put nuclear power plants in places that have a lot of earthquakes like the Pacific Ring of Fire. "Against Plans For Nuclear Power Plant". Nuclear power will work better than any other method because burning gas causes large amounts of pollution and wind and solar energy aren't reliable enough. "Nuclear a cost effective energy source".

     Therefore nuclear power is our best bet because it has the biggest up side and lowest risk. We will make a big profit and we will also help the environment by converting to nuclear power. We will be very careful with it because we know what nuclear power is capable of doing. That is why we should use nuclear power.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Descriptive Essay
     During winter break I mostly slept and played video games. It was the best time of my life. The first day I slept and watched T.V. But, I also had drivers training that day. During drivers training I drove for two hours to practice for my driving test. I was so sleepy but I still had to drive, it felt like I was driving forever. I continued that routine every day all the way through Monday.
     On Christmas day I woke up at seven in the morning and tried to wake up my mom but she was too lazy to get up. I got sad and went back to sleep. I woke up at ten in the morning and I finally got my mom to get up too. I went to open my gifts and when I only saw a card under the tree I got sad but then I opened it and saw I got a debit card and some money. The next day I used some of my money to buy a new phone. The next day I went to go take my driving test. I was so nervous and I had butterflies in my stomach but in the end I did good. I only got six things wrong when the most you could get wrong was fifteen. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling. That same day I drove all the way to Lancaster to my dad's house. It was really far but I made it even though I was really tired.

     When I got to my dad's house I slept even more and also I played even more video games. But, I also had to take care of all my little cousins. They would come every morning to wake me up at six in the morning. Then I would make them breakfast. After that they would just run around everywhere and annoy me. Then I would take nice long naps in the afternoon. On New Years Eve my stepmom cooked a lot of good food. She made macaroni and cheese, turkey, ham, dressing, and cornbread. For dessert we had chocolate cake and ice cream. I ate so good that night that I fell asleep at eight and woke up at four in the morning. I missed New Years because that food was so good. I wasn't even mad because I had such good sleep. I woke up to so many texts and everyone was mad at me because they thought i was ignoring them. After that I went home and did nothing for the rest of break. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Civil Disobedience

     A very historical example of civil disobedience is the civil rights movement of the 1960's. In this movement people protested peacefully the segregation in the South. This was a very effective way to protest because millions of people joined Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his marches and listened to his speeches. This form of civil disobedience was more effective than others because they did not need to use violence. The civil rights movement was effective because segregation affected many peoples' lives which made them want to contribute to the movement. The civil rights movement also was effective because their boycotts and sit-in's started to gain more and more national attention as they got bigger. To gain even more national attention they would protest in more than one area. "To divert attention from the sit-in at Woolworth's, the picketing started at JCPenney's a good fifteen minutes before."(Moody, pg.208). 
     The civil rights movement was more effective than other movements because more than just African Americans helped the cause. Some of the whites in America also didn't like the idea of segregation. In an excerpt from the novel "Coming of Age in Mississippi", "A middle-aged white woman who had not yet been served rose from her seat and came over to us. I'd like to stay here with you,"she said(Moody, pg.209). This excerpt shows that more than just African Americans wanted to help the civil rights movement. Some whites had sympathy for the African Americans which is why they wanted to help. "When asked why she had said what she said to us,she replied, I am in sympathy with the negro movement."(Moody, pg.209). Even though most of the African Americans were being heckled for supporting the civil rights movement they still kept their composure and did not turn to violence as the answer. That is why the civil rights movement was effective. Moody says, "A couple of the boys took one end of the rope and made it into a hangman's noose. Several attempts were made to put it around our necks...... We kept our eyes straight forward and did not look at the crowd except for occasional glances to see what was going on."(Moody, pg.209).
     The Civil Rights movement is different from the tree-sitting because it was a national issue and it was much less effective. But, they are similar because both movements were peaceful. Although African Americans were getting attacked mentally, emotionally and physically they still managed to be peaceful protesters. The Civil Rights movements and the tree-sitting at UC Berkeley are also similar because they both used sit-in's as a form of protesting.
     An act of civil disobedience like the Civil Rights movement would not work in today's world. In today's world there would be a lot less support. Most people would not want to march because they don't feel like walking long distances or they might complain that its too hot to march. Also the police would be way more harsh. In the 1960's during the Civil Rights movement the police would use powerful fire truck hoses to control the many people protesting. If the same thing was to happen now the police would use much more powerful weapons like guns and rubber bullets. The use of those weapons by the police would make even more people not want to participate in the movement. The sit-in's also wouldn't work in today's world because the police would probably just forcefully move the people out of the store or restaurant. That is why marches and sit-in's would not work today.